I was serving the church that I belong to by helping them at a workday to build stages for our new facility in Bedford, Virginia when I met Karla and Harley Powell. Throughout the evening we got to talk about our church, our passion for serving and our hopes and dreams for the future. My name is Danny Horsley and this is how I came to serve with Anxious for Nothing.
Serving is a passion of mine, I am most filled up when I am helping others. Karla told me the story of what they do to serve the forgotten people of Roanoke. By making bag lunches and providing hygiene kits they offer a message of hope by showing them the love of Jesus. Karla invited me to come along and I couldn’t resist. Just the sound of it made my heart leap. To the best of my memory I have only missed three Sundays of serving since we started in July. It is the highlight of my week as we have built relationships and gotten to know the individual families and their stories.

Each interaction includes a request to pray. We asked for specific ways to pray and then we invite God into their story. Week after week we hear stories of how they connect their circumstances to the prayers that were offered the week before. To see God moving in this way and using us as instruments to spread the gospel increases my faith and keeps me longing for more. I will continue to go as long as God will allow me. I love what God is doing in me and through me by serving Anxious for Nothing.
Danny Horsley
