Camp Code of Conduct
At Anxious for Nothing we strive to maintain a spiritual atmosphere. You will have a great time at camp if you will follow this code of conduct. Please review this information. Failure to comply with this code could result in dismissal from camp.
Follow all instructions from the camp staff.
Follow the camp schedule.
Always stay within the camp boundaries.
You must check out before leaving camp.
Stay safe and keep others safe. This means no horseplay.
Swim in the pool only when a lifeguard and counselor are present and, it is your designated swim time
Girls must wear a one-piece bathing suit, long tankini or t-shirt over suit.
Cover (clothing) and shoes must be worn to and from the pool and restroom, male and female.
Wear shoes or sandals at all times
No bare midriffs. Shorts must come to fingertips.
Your counselor must be present at all times, never go off alone (use buddy system)
Use boats/canoes only with counselors/staff present. You must wear life jackets.
No bad language or swearing
One person in a shower at a time
All medications must be turned in at registration to the camp nurse.
Electronics such as iPods, Cell phones, I-Watches, etc., are not permitted.
Treat camp facilities and equipment with care. Any intentional damage will incur a charge to the camper.
No food or drink allowed in the cabins.
No physical display of affection allowed.
Report any abuse (physical, verbal, sexual) immediately to the camp director.
NO Bullying
Keep hands off others property.
The use of tobacco, drugs, vaping devices, nicotine pouches,or alcohol is prohibited.
Only emergency phone calls are permitted with the director’s permission. No cell phones are permitted.
All lights out by 11:00 pm
Please put all trash and gum in trash cans
Clean up after yourself
Closed Campus - NO VISITORS
Weapon, Drug, Alcohol and Vaping Free Zone
​Anyone not following the rules is subject to parents being called for pick up. We do not tolerate substance use, bullying or disrespect to counselors/volunteers or facilities.